A platform for sense and decency … and smackdowns of reactionaries

How an open society normalizes and even glorifies pathological cheeseball-nihilists yet still considers itself civilized.

Normalization—the treatment of the abnormal, criminal, and sociopathic as just another flavor in political viewpoints—of Trump et al is well under way. Other than the hollowing out of laws in favor of those in power, normalization represents the triumph of a cheeseball and his id. The absence of class, decency, and manners is remarkable, the maladapted juvenile’s way of sticking it to the civilized while entertaining himself and his millions of like-minded worshippers.

What makes it work is the Infotainment Complex, which will be at its obsequious best in giving Trump an unlimited platform to spew whatever nonsense enters his mind at any moment (without warning even to himself). As we speak, there’s guaranteed to be a mad scramble for that first interview, the chance to lob softballs, and to get incoherent but self-glorifying responses. No matter; media CFOs are tumescent. Eyeballs is eyeballs, and they make the cash register sing.

The register sings because millions devour the Trump treats served up 24/7. Certainly, when the next utterance—likely in the form of some revenge-motivated pursuit—pollutes the airwaves while being cheered by the faithful, squishy NPR types will moan “this is not who we are”. Oh, it’s very much who we are, though we must parse the “we”: it doesn’t include the 75 million who voted for the non-criminal, non-psycho centrist politician rather than the felonious mobster wannabe.

Heads-up, then, to the world’s Putins, Xis, Maduros, Orbans, Kickls, Ortegas, Le Pens and similar reactionary-nihilist types: eschew the thuggery, rhetorical and literal. All you need for broad acceptance—to be normalized—is to entertain. Contrary to its self-professed role as “democracy’s check on power,” the press will volunteer to legitimize and even glorify you. No need for threats or prior restraint, as there’s no threshold below which you cannot go if you mesmerize enough of your people with entertaining fiction. All the press wants is access to you … so that it can spread your shamelessness for fun and profit. Simple, really.

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For democracy to survive, it must cripple, not accommodate, the reactionary charlatans and ignoramuses whose nihilism threatens it.

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