A platform for sense and decency … and smackdowns of reactionaries

For decency’s sake, Tony, give it a rest.

Israel once again does what Israel has been doing for decades: inflict on Palestinians—in countless ways petty and bloody—the narrative of hopelessness. This time yet another offing of youngsters (duly and laughably described by a captive press as “militants”) for throwing stones. Israelis do this just to stoke the Arabs, who inevitably react, which, just […]

Is it Right to Encourage the Destruction of Ukraine?

The West has created a moral dilemma for itself. Its characteristic refusal to prevent (rather than belatedly react to) bad things, and its refusal to provide Ukraine what it needs most to fend off Russia, requires it to ask itself: is it defensible to encourage Ukrainians to continue to resist an onslaught, the outcome of […]

Two Bits of Goofy Thinking

As with other civilized versions of our species, am caught in the dilemma between attention and distraction. Helplessness in the face of barbarism is excruciating. We want to know what is happening, chiefly in hope that the right side—and there very much IS a right side—will prevail. But hope is a thin reed. The news, […]